Looking for warehouse workers you can rely on? Older folks can be highly reliable and productive, provided you give them the support and benefits they need.
Contributing Editor Toby Gooley is a writer and editor specializing in supply chain, logistics, and material handling, and a lecturer at MIT's Center for Transportation & Logistics. She previously was Senior Editor at DC VELOCITY and Editor of DCV's sister publication, CSCMP's Supply Chain Quarterly. Prior to joining AGiLE Business Media in 2007, she spent 20 years at Logistics Management magazine as Managing Editor and Senior Editor covering international trade and transportation. Prior to that she was an export traffic manager for 10 years. She holds a B.A. in Asian Studies from Cornell University.
If you have anything to do with staffing warehouses and distribution centers, then you've probably given some thought to the subject of demographics lately.
Demographics? That statistics-heavy stuff you read about in social studies? Yes, indeed—and let's hope you paid attention in class that day. That's because any long-term strategy for staffing warehouses and DCs has to consider the changing demographic profile of the American workforce—or else risk being caught shorthanded.
Most likely, what you've heard on the topic has focused on today's multilingual workforce. That's something virtually all warehouses and DCs are dealing with, whether they're located in urban or rural locales. (See "¿habla warehousing?" DC VELOCITY, September 2007.)
Important as that is, it's not the only demographic issue you need to be aware of: Age should also be on your radar screen. The U.S. population is getting older; people are living longer and working longer. According to "65+ in the United States: 2005," a National Institute on Aging report compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of senior citizens in this country is expected to double by 2030, when nearly one in five Americans will be 65 or older.
Right now, that trend may not be apparent in many warehouses (youthful immigrant workers still dominate the average DC's workforce). Yet it's a big enough worry that the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) annual conference in 2007 included two sessions on "disruptive demographics," including lengthy discussions of the impact of an aging population on supply chains. At last year's Material Handling Logistics Summit, moreover, a group of business executives, material handling equipment vendors, and academics identified the impact of demographics on distribution and logistics as their top concern.
The graying of America is a trend that will affect most, if not all, warehouses and DCs. The downside, of course, is the inevitable loss of knowledge and experience when large numbers of baby boomers retire. But there is an upside, especially if you're willing to think of an aging population as an opportunity instead of a problem: Employing "over 50" workers can actually boost warehouse productivity.
16 steps to a safer workplace
The American Society of Safety Engineers (www.asse.org) suggests the following steps to make industrial workplaces safer for older employees. Though the list was created with older workers in mind, the group says the changes will benefit workers of all ages.
Improve illumination and add color contrast.
Eliminate heavy lifts, elevated work from ladders and long reaches.
Design work floors and platforms with smooth and solid decking while still allowing some cushioning.
Reduce static standing time.
Remove clutter from control panels and computer screens, and use large video displays.
Reduce noise levels.
Install chain actuators for valve hand wheels, damper levers, or other similar control devices. This brings the control manipulation to ground level, which helps to reduce falls.
Install skid-resistant material for flooring and especially for stair treads.
Install shallow-angle stairways in place of ladders when space permits and where any daily, elevated access is needed to complete a task.
Increase task rotation, which will reduce the strain of repetitive motion.
Lower sound-system pitches, such as on alarm systems, as they tend to be easier to hear.
Lengthen time requirements between steps in a task.
Increase the time allowed for making decisions.
Consider necessary reaction time when assigning older workers to tasks.
Provide opportunities for practice and time to develop task familiarity.
Older achievers
That older workers should be more productive than the young 'uns may sound counterintuitive. After all, everyone knows that as people age, they think and move more slowly, and their eyesight, hearing, and muscle strength decline. That's true, but medical researchers, gerontologists, and safety engineers all agree that it's no reason to write off the over-50 crowd in a warehouse setting. In fact, research cited by the American Society of Safety Engineers and federal health agencies shows that workers 55 and older have fewer accidents on the job than do younger people. (When they are injured, though, they often take longer to recover.)
As for why older workers outperform their younger counterparts, there are a number of possible explanations, says Brian R. Sherman, director of ergonomic services for The Ergonomics Center of North Carolina at North Carolina State University. "They have more experience, and they may have moved up in their jobs so that now they're managers, or they may be leveraging support within their group," he suggests.
Another factor in their favor: Mature workers tend to subscribe to the "work smarter, not harder" philosophy. Forty-five percent of productivity increases in warehouses and DCs comes from more effective use of time, says Jeff Boudreau, a partner at workforce productivity specialists XCD Performance Consulting. In his experience, older employees excel in this area. "They are less easily distracted, and they know how to stay on task," he says. "The more senior warehouse associates usually are at the top of the list in terms of productivity, quality, and consistency. I've never found somebody who's not been able to achieve performance incentives due to age."
That's significant, because performance standards are not adjusted for specific groups of employees, says Evan Danner, president of TZA Consulting, which develops engineered performance standards and labor management systems. "You set specific standards for different functions … but in a world of engineered standards, you cannot set different standards based on age," he explains.
What about positions that require working with technology, such as highly automated material handling equipment? Boudreau says that seniors may not always be as tech-savvy as their younger co-workers, but he strongly disputes the notion that they can't be successful in technology-related jobs. "We've tracked all different types of [warehouse] workers on training curves. Even when we have set up moving goals, we have always found that older workers progress up the training curve the same as anyone else," he says.
Sherman agrees that older folks can make the grade when it comes to mastering tasks. "A number of studies on worker performance, including research papers that compare job performance and age, generally have found no correlation—either positive or negative—between the two relative to technical competence," he says.
Hiring mature workers can be an antidote to one of warehousing's most intractable problems: employee turnover. Danner has found that older workers tend to stay in their jobs longer, particularly in a unionized environment with good pay and benefits. They usually care more about benefits than 20- somethings and are more rooted in their communities. As a result, they're less likely to change jobs when something new comes along—like the oil companies that Boudreau says are "literally poaching people in the parking lot" of a West Texas warehouse operated by one of his clients.
Not ready to hang it up
The advantages of hiring mature workers seem clear enough. But do they actually want to work? Apparently, they do. A 2004 survey of 2,300 baby boomers conducted by Merrill Lynch, pollsters Harris Interactive, and the consulting firm Age Wave found that 76 percent of the respondents planned to continue working after retirement. In an earlier study of 1,000 people aged 55 and older, conducted by Age Wave on behalf of insurance giant AIG SunAmerica, about 95 percent of respondents said they expected to work at least part time after they retire, either by choice or by necessity.
Add those findings to current worries about the future of Social Security and the state of the U.S. economy, and you can't help but expect more mature workers to be knocking on your door looking for work. That could well happen, but they won't all be looking for a 40-hour week: Only 6 percent of the respondents to the Merrill Lynch study said they would want full-time work.
Flexible scheduling and good benefits are the biggest lures for mature workers. Adjusting work flows and scheduling to accommodate part-time workers takes some effort, of course, but the benefits often make up for it. Boudreau tells of one retailer who went to high school PTA meetings to recruit middle-aged and older mothers to work in a DC during school hours; the company also gave the part-timers a discount on merchandise and made the work environment as pleasant as possible. That strategy netted the retailer a number of reliable long-term employees, he says.
Another example is that of a company that moved its DC from northern New Jersey to a rural community in the southern part of the state because of the availability of large tracts of land. It soon found that the labor pool in its new location was too small to fully staff the DC with fulltime workers. Instead, Boudreau says, the company found the reliable—mostly part-time—workers it needed among the retirees in the "55-plus" communities that were springing up in the area.
Safe and sound
Although mature workers easily match (or outpace) their younger counterparts when it comes to productivity, there's no denying that their reactions may be a little slower, their eyesight may be a little fuzzier, and they may tire a little sooner than their younger colleagues. There are some basic steps you can take to help older workers consistently perform at high levels in the safest possible environment. For a quick rundown, see the sidebar titled "16 steps to a safer workplace." Here are a few additional recommendations:
Consider each person individually, and screen carefully (in accordance with labor laws, of course). Be alert for potential problems, such as a decline in memory or eyesight, but don't assume that everyone over a certain age is unfit. "It's kind of like an upside-down funnel," explains Sherman of The Ergonomics Center. "Young children's strength capabilities don't vary much, but as we get older, capability can differ greatly among people in their 50s and 60s." Boudreau, too, cautions against stereotyping: At one client's DC, a woman in her 70s is among the most productive trailer loaders.
Pay special attention to ergonomics. Workers of different ages may be prone to certain types of injuries; read up on the research and take steps to prevent those injuries from occurring. Of particular concern: hazards that could cause a loss of balance, trips, and falls.
Take the "vision test." Look around your operation. Does it present any obstacles for someone whose vision is no longer 20/20? Better lighting and clearly readable signage improve visibility, as do uncluttered screens and larger characters on terminals and scanners.
Match employees with the right jobs. Since engineered performance standards can't be adjusted for individuals, the smart route is to place people where they're most likely to be successful, says Danner. "If a worker is over 60, I would question whether you want to put him in a pick module where he has to handle 400 cases an hour," he says. "But he could probably be very successful in a piece-pick area where weight is not a big factor and there is more emphasis on dexterity and skill."
Offer health and wellness programs for mature workers. Making those programs available is an effective way to help them stay in the workforce longer, agree all of the experts consulted for this article. Health is a major concern for even the halest and heartiest of this generation; by supporting older employees' health needs, you'll not only keep them working longer but will earn their loyalty, too.
Respect for all
Health and safety considerations aside, there are a few other factors that come into play in managing an older workforce. For instance, it's important to keep in mind that boomers and their elders have a very different way of looking at work, authority, and personal development than do the current crop of young professionals. In some DCs, there now are four generations working together— and that creates some managerial challenges.
Danner notes, for example, that friction sometimes occurs between young people with degrees in logistics or supply chain management and the older, more experienced workers they may supervise.
Yet for all their differences, workers from the various generations have this in common: they want respect. Regardless of their age or experience, they want to be treated as individuals with valuable ideas and knowledge that can be tapped for the benefit of all.
That's not something older workers can always take for granted. In some companies, there's still a tacit assumption that older folks are inflexible, uncreative, and generally less capable than younger co-workers. Therein lies an opportunity to make your DC stand out from the crowd. Give older workers what they want and need—including respect—and you could gain some of the most reliable, self-directed, and productive employees you've ever had.
CVS puts demographics to work
To see what the DC workforce of the future might look like, just go to one of the DCs run by CVS Caremark, the Woonsocket, R.I.-based drugstore chain. In 2007, 10 percent of new hires in the company's distribution centers were over 50 years old. Currently, 25 percent of the DC workforce is over 50, and in 10 years that figure is expected to top 33 percent, says Kevin F. Smith, the company's senior vice president-supply chain and logistics.
Though that wasn't planned, Smith says he's not alarmed by the trend. He believes that having older workers on the job is an asset. "Older workers are more experienced and knowledgeable, and this helps in creating a safe and productive workplace," he says.
Over the past eight or 10 years, CVS has been automating more of its operations and making ergonomic enhancements to its DCs. Smith says the retailer made that decision to improve processes, boost productivity, and lessen the likelihood of repetitive stress-related injuries in the workforce in general, but those measures have proved to be especially helpful to older workers.
The combination of efficiency and more mature workers has produced a steady increase in productivity and improvements in customer service. Smith believes that CVS's distribution centers are safer and more productive than ever. That's a tribute to all of the company's associates, both young and old, he says. But older employees have played a big role in that success. "We believe that our current mature workers add to that productivity, rather than detract from it, because of their experience, knowledge, and expertise," Smith observes. "These are associates who know our business and continually help us to fine-tune processes that help us to serve our customers better. These individuals understand the processes they work with better than anybody else and therefore are more apt to recognize ways to improve those processes."
Donald Trump has been clear that he plans to hit the ground running after his inauguration on January 20, launching ambitious plans that could have significant repercussions for global supply chains.
As Mark Baxa, CSCMP president and CEO, says in the executive forward to the white paper, the incoming Trump Administration and a majority Republican congress are “poised to reshape trade policies, regulatory frameworks, and the very fabric of how we approach global commerce.”
The paper is written by import/export expert Thomas Cook, managing director for Blue Tiger International, a U.S.-based supply chain management consulting company that focuses on international trade. Cook is the former CEO of American River International in New York and Apex Global Logistics Supply Chain Operation in Los Angeles and has written 19 books on global trade.
In the paper, Cook, of course, takes a close look at tariff implications and new trade deals, emphasizing that Trump will seek revisions that will favor U.S. businesses and encourage manufacturing to return to the U.S. The paper, however, also looks beyond global trade to addresses topics such as Trump’s tougher stance on immigration and the possibility of mass deportations, greater support of Israel in the Middle East, proposals for increased energy production and mining, and intent to end the war in the Ukraine.
In general, Cook believes that many of the administration’s new policies will be beneficial to the overall economy. He does warn, however, that some policies will be disruptive and add risk and cost to global supply chains.
In light of those risks and possible disruptions, Cook’s paper offers 14 recommendations. Some of which include:
Create a team responsible for studying the changes Trump will introduce when he takes office;
Attend trade shows and make connections with vendors, suppliers, and service providers who can help you navigate those changes;
Consider becoming C-TPAT (Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism) certified to help mitigate potential import/export issues;
Adopt a risk management mindset and shift from focusing on lowest cost to best value for your spend;
Increase collaboration with internal and external partners;
Expect warehousing costs to rise in the short term as companies look to bring in foreign-made goods ahead of tariffs;
Expect greater scrutiny from U.S. Customs and Border Patrol of origin statements for imports in recognition of attempts by some Chinese manufacturers to evade U.S. import policies;
Reduce dependency on China for sourcing; and
Consider manufacturing and/or sourcing in the United States.
Cook advises readers to expect a loosening up of regulations and a reduction in government under Trump. He warns that while some world leaders will look to work with Trump, others will take more of a defiant stance. As a result, companies should expect to see retaliatory tariffs and duties on exports.
Cook concludes by offering advice to the incoming administration, including being sensitive to the effect retaliatory tariffs can have on American exports, working on federal debt reduction, and considering promoting free trade zones. He also proposes an ambitious water works program through the Army Corps of Engineers.
ReposiTrak, a global food traceability network operator, will partner with Upshop, a provider of store operations technology for food retailers, to create an end-to-end grocery traceability solution that reaches from the supply chain to the retail store, the firms said today.
The partnership creates a data connection between suppliers and the retail store. It works by integrating Salt Lake City-based ReposiTrak’s network of thousands of suppliers and their traceability shipment data with Austin, Texas-based Upshop’s network of more than 450 retailers and their retail stores.
That accomplishment is important because it will allow food sector trading partners to meet the U.S. FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act Section 204d (FSMA 204) requirements that they must create and store complete traceability records for certain foods.
And according to ReposiTrak and Upshop, the traceability solution may also unlock potential business benefits. It could do that by creating margin and growth opportunities in stores by connecting supply chain data with store data, thus allowing users to optimize inventory, labor, and customer experience management automation.
"Traceability requires data from the supply chain and – importantly – confirmation at the retail store that the proper and accurate lot code data from each shipment has been captured when the product is received. The missing piece for us has been the supply chain data. ReposiTrak is the leader in capturing and managing supply chain data, starting at the suppliers. Together, we can deliver a single, comprehensive traceability solution," Mark Hawthorne, chief innovation and strategy officer at Upshop, said in a release.
"Once the data is flowing the benefits are compounding. Traceability data can be used to improve food safety, reduce invoice discrepancies, and identify ways to reduce waste and improve efficiencies throughout the store,” Hawthorne said.
Under FSMA 204, retailers are required by law to track Key Data Elements (KDEs) to the store-level for every shipment containing high-risk food items from the Food Traceability List (FTL). ReposiTrak and Upshop say that major industry retailers have made public commitments to traceability, announcing programs that require more traceability data for all food product on a faster timeline. The efforts of those retailers have activated the industry, motivating others to institute traceability programs now, ahead of the FDA’s enforcement deadline of January 20, 2026.
Online grocery technology provider Instacart is rolling out its “Caper Cart” AI-powered smart shopping trollies to a wide range of grocer networks across North America through partnerships with two point-of-sale (POS) providers, the San Francisco company said Monday.
Instacart announced the deals with DUMAC Business Systems, a POS solutions provider for independent grocery and convenience stores, and TRUNO Retail Technology Solutions, a provider that powers over 13,000 retail locations.
Terms of the deal were not disclosed.
According to Instacart, its Caper Carts transform the in-store shopping experience by letting customers automatically scan items as they shop, track spending for budget management, and access discounts directly on the cart. DUMAC and TRUNO will now provide a turnkey service, including Caper Cart referrals, implementation, maintenance, and ongoing technical support – creating a streamlined path for grocers to bring smart carts to their stores.
That rollout follows other recent expansions of Caper Cart rollouts, including a pilot now underway by Coles Supermarkets, a food and beverage retailer with more than 1,800 grocery and liquor stores throughout Australia.
Instacart’s core business is its e-commerce grocery platform, which is linked with more than 85,000 stores across North America on the Instacart Marketplace. To enable that service, the company employs approximately 600,000 Instacart shoppers who earn money by picking, packing, and delivering orders on their own flexible schedules.
The new partnerships now make it easier for grocers of all sizes to partner with Instacart, unlocking a modern shopping experience for their customers, according to a statement from Nick Nickitas, General Manager of Local Independent Grocery at Instacart.
In addition, the move also opens up opportunities to bring additional Instacart Connected Stores technologies to independent retailers – including FoodStorm and Carrot Tags – continuing to power innovation and growth opportunities for retailers across the grocery ecosystem, he said.
The autonomous forklift vendor Cyngn has raised $33 million in funding to accelerate its growth and proliferate sales of its industrial autonomous vehicles, the Menlo Park, California-based firm said today.
As a publicly traded company, Cyngn raised the money by selling company shares through the financial firm Aegis Capital in three rounds occurring in December. According to forms filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the move also required moves to reduce corporate spending for three months, including layoffs that reduced staff from approximately 80 people to approximately 60 people, temporarily suspended certain non-essential operations, and reduced or eliminated all discretionary expenses.
In the company’s view, autonomous vehicles are playing a critical role in transforming industrial operations by enhancing productivity and safety.
“This capital infusion strengthens our ability to fund operations, drive commercialization, and continue investing in groundbreaking autonomous vehicle technologies,” Lior Tal, chairman and CEO of Cyngn, said in a release. “With increasing demand for automation solutions, especially in the automotive, heavy machinery and logistics industries, this funding allows us to build on recent momentum, including our upcoming autonomous forklift launch and other strategic advancements.”
Editor's note:This article was revised on January 14 to include information from Cyngn on its finances.
Inclusive procurement practices can fuel economic growth and create jobs worldwide through increased partnerships with small and diverse suppliers, according to a study from the Illinois firm Supplier.io.
The firm’s “2024 Supplier Diversity Economic Impact Report” found that $168 billion spent directly with those suppliers generated a total economic impact of $303 billion. That analysis can help supplier diversity managers and chief procurement officers implement programs that grow diversity spend, improve supply chain competitiveness, and increase brand value, the firm said.
The companies featured in Supplier.io’s report collectively supported more than 710,000 direct jobs and contributed $60 billion in direct wages through their investments in small and diverse suppliers. According to the analysis, those purchases created a ripple effect, supporting over 1.4 million jobs and driving $105 billion in total income when factoring in direct, indirect, and induced economic impacts.
“At Supplier.io, we believe that empowering businesses with advanced supplier intelligence not only enhances their operational resilience but also significantly mitigates risks,” Aylin Basom, CEO of Supplier.io, said in a release. “Our platform provides critical insights that drive efficiency and innovation, enabling companies to find and invest in small and diverse suppliers. This approach helps build stronger, more reliable supply chains.”