FKI Logistex has added new design and interface options for its popular A-780 case palletizer, which is designed for low- to mid- speed palletizing applications. Suited for single- line applications in the food and consumer goods industries, the A780 uses high-level infeed and right-angle pattern formation to achieve pattern flexibility. Close-center rollers and a bi-parting apron also give the A-780 the ability to handle a wide variety of case and pallet sizes. Its compact footprint is ideal for facilities where space is at a premium.
A recirculating row pusher is one of several new options offered on the palletizer. This feature improves case flow and allows higher palletizing capacities with rates of up to 45 case-feet per minute. It is offered as an alternative to the standard reciprocating row pusher. A new high-speed hoist is another option available for increasing capacity when handling short loads or large cases. Also new is an optional pattern generation utility, which lets the user create new stacking patterns through the A-780's user interface. A pattern timing utility, offering the ability to fine tune existing patterns, is now a standard feature.
In addition, the A-780 is RFID-enabled, giving it capabilities such as changing patterns on the fly, managing end-of-run clearing, and tracking production and inventory information. Built for optimum reliability and reduced maintenance, the A780 is designed with a heavy-duty frame, premium components, and a minimum number of moving parts. Its advanced diagnostic system displays human-readable messages.
Company: FKI Logistex North America
Company Phone: (513) 8815239
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