The Office of the Secretary of Defense posted an opportunity. The position, Director, Supply Chain Risk Management might indicate that the department is returning to a focus on supply chains. Is a reawakening taking place?
“When God sings, there is glorious music and a choir of angels to fill the air with love,” wrote Anthony Hincks.
Well, I dug into the position description, getting to cue the chorus. The position “supports the Chief Information Security Officer - Acquisition in the implementation of next generation secure supply chain capabilities.” That’s not exactly where I’d put the position in the org chart, but I read on.
The position “addresses cybersecurity risks to supply chains affecting the Department of Defense weapon systems and critical infrastructure. The significance of the cyber threat, as characterized in the National Defense Strategy, highlights the importance of mitigating cyber risks to DoD supply chains.”
Sigh. In sports lingo, I’d call that a swing and a miss. Supply Chain Risk Management is far broader than cyber.
The Department of Defense needs to take off the blinders.